Dismayed. WCC Regulatory Committee Agreed Wolston Field S&G Extraction Plans
Warwick Regulatory Committee met today and narrowly approved the Wolston Fields Farm application. This was however after much debate particularly on the Ryton HGV traffic point. Significantly, a note has been added to the approval requiring the Committee and Officers to “vigorously pursue with the Highways Agency that they withdraw their objections to the use of Toll Bar” to allow a routing agreement which totally excludes gravel HGV traffic from Ryton.
Update. It is now understood that the Highways Agency under pressure from our Us and our MP have agreed to allow the S&G traffic to use the Tollbar Island. There will be a a legal agreed signed my Smiths that prohibits the use of the A445 in any direction for any traffic created by the S&G workings. We have not yet seen this agreement and await the full text.