Ryton-on-Dunsmore Parish Council is a democratically elected body for the Civil Parish and is part of Local Government. It has nothing to do with the Parish Church or the Parochial Church Council. In Ryton-on-Dunsmore the Council has 10 Councillors elected every four years by those entitled to vote in the Local Elections, usually held in May. The Council meets on the first Wednesday of the Month to transact its business and members of the public and the press are welcome to attend. Responsibilities of the Parish, Borough and County councils.
Please find Parish Council information about:
Parish Council Meeting Pack.
The External Audit.
Parish Council Policy Documents
The Council owns land and property for the benefit of the residents, notably the Village Hall (which is run and managed by the Village Hall Trust) and the Recreation Ground. Other areas include the Allotments off the A45, the Orchard (leased to the Orchard Trust) and the open space in Church Road. The Council owns and maintains most of the streetlights in the Village and provides the grit bins, litterbins and dog waste bins in the Village. The Council is consulted on all planning applications in the Parish and on other matters relating to Rugby Borough Council, Warwickshire County Council and National Government policy changes.
The Clerk to the Council Lindsay Foster can be contacted by telephone on 02476 307336, or by email on clerk@rytonondunsmoreparishcouncil.gov.uk or click here for a full list of councillors’ contact details.
Highway Problems
Potholes, Pavement Repairs, Highway and Street Lighting problems? We would encourage you to report it, even if you feel it has already been reported as each report adds weight to the issue.
You can report an issue to the County Highways by:
Telephone: 01926 412515
Online: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/roads
Email: countyhighways@warwickshire.gov.uk
Text: Lighting (followed by location and defect details) to 07950 081082
Ryton Pools Country Park
Annual parking permits (April to March) are available at a concessionary rate to Ryton-on-Dunsmore residents. Applications for a concessionary permits should be made through the Clerk to the Council. You can download a Ryton Pools Application Form to print off and complete.
Freedom of Information
Read more about Freedom of Information for the Ryton-on-Dunsmore Parish Council.