Ryton-on-Dunsmore has some lovely green spaces to enjoy, all offering something different. There is sure to be one you will enjoy. This page will give you a brief introduction to them. If you are interested in the countryside, you might like to join the Countryside Action Group: Contact Carolyn Reily: 02476 306943 or carolyn.f.reily@gmail.com
Recreation Ground
The Recreation Ground is off Fetherston Crescent and serves a variety of needs of the village. There is an all-weather area, football pitch and a playground equipped with a zip wire, swings and climbing frame for the children and family fun. Its gravel path running around the perimeter is popular with dog walkers and fully equipped with specific bins for dog waste at each exit point. Any concerns or queries should be made to the Parish Council 02476307336 or rytonondunsmore@btconnect.com
Steetley Meadows
Steetley Meadows was kindly donated to Ryton Conservation Trust in 1992 by Steetley (now Lafarge) after gravel extraction works. It is a Conservation Area and a SSSI (site of special scientific interest). It covers approximately 35 acres of meadows, woodland, willow carr and ponds bordering the River Avon. The land is now administered by the Trust for the conservation of wild flora and fauna. It offers Ryton residents and others an unspoilt oasis for quiet contemplation and relaxation, away from the pressures of everyday life.
Many birds can be seen in the meadows. Grey heron are often seen feeding and both the great crested grebe and little crested grebe breed here. Canada geese, mallard and tufted ducks may all be seen along with kingfishers who nest in the riverbank. As well as birds, the meadows are a haven for bats, foxes, badgers, muntjac deer and a wide variety of insects.
You can download the brochure here, which also contains a map of the permissive footpaths around the meadows.
Community Orchard
Ryton secured funding and support through LEADER funded service project ‘Community Orchards‘ to establish the orchard in the village.
With help and support from South Warwickshire Local Food residents purchased 78 trees and attended planting and pruning days. The trees have been growing steadily – look out for community social events such as Wassailing in January and harvest picnics in autumn. A popular footpath runs past the orchard which also has two picnic tables installed. Contact: Carolyn Reily 02476 306943 email: carolyn.f.reily@gmail.com
Ryton is lucky enough to have its own set of allotments, located off the A45 near St Leonard’s church. Contact Parish Council 02476 307336 or rytonondunsmore@btconnect.com
Ryton Pools Country Park
We are lucky to have this marvelous country park on our doorstep. Its 100 acres has many different habitats, home to a wide range of birds and other wildlife. The excellent surfaced paths enable easy walking around the site, and provide access to adjoining ancient woodland, Ryton Wood (by agreement with the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust), plus the recently opened Foothills play area.
You can picnic, have a look at the visitor centre, take part in organised events or simply enjoy the peace and quiet.
The park is open 8.00am to 5.00pm every day, except Christmas Day. There is a whole host of information available on Warwickshire County Council’s Country Parks website.
Annual parking permits (April to March) are available at a concessionary rate to Ryton-on-Dunsmore residents. Applications for a concessionary permits should be made through the Clerk to the Council and details on how to do that are available in the Parish Council section.
Jubilee Pools Fishing Pools and Footpath
Jubilee Pools is made up of two lakes. The larger of the two lakes is the Island Pool which has over 40 fishing pegs including special pegs for disabled anglers. This pool has a reputation for having very large fish in excellent condition. Have a look at Royal Leamington Spa Angling Association to see some of them! If you are interested in using the lakes for fishing, the link will also tell you how.
There is a nice footpath around the two lakes which is popular with walkers and dog walkers.
Meadow Lands Fishery
Two fishing lakes formed following sand and gravel excavation. The entrance is situated next to Keller Foundation on Oxford Road. There is a car park and snack bar. Contact Fishery Bailiff 07858 756474 (During opening hours only) Head Bailiff 07834 191460 E-mail: dean@thfp.co.uk
Public Rights of Way Map (footpaths)
There is a good selection of Public RoW in and around the Parish. A map of these can be found Here