Village Directory Entries Needed

Village DirectoryThe Village Directory Action Group have recently completed a leaflet drop to all households in Ryton-on-Dunsmore requesting entries for the Village Directory. Every household in the village will be given a paper copy of the directory as well as it being available here on this website.
The directory is aiming to be as comprehensive as possible, so if you are responsible for a club, organisation, amenity, service or business in the village then please tell us about it. You can give us your information by completing the form in the back of the leaflet (if you have lost or did not receive a leaflet then download it here), by email, by telephone on 02476 304295 or by using the Village Directory Entry web form.
We need to receive all replies by the end of October 2014 at the latest please.
We also intend to include general information including: bus timetables, Doctors’ surgeries and transport arrangements, village public footpath map and post office times. If you can think of anything else that would be useful to know we would welcome your idea for inclusion.