Your Village Website
In February 2012 a Parish Plan questionnaire was issued to each household in the village and almost 500 replied. The purpose of the Parish Plan was to allow all villagers to express their thoughts and ideas on how they would like to see our Village develop over the next ten years. The replies were analysed with key findings being included in an Action Plan published in June 2012. A fantastic village celebration event was held in the Connexion to allow villagers to discuss the results and enable them to volunteer for one or more of 8 action groups.
The Village Website Action Group has met monthly and by June 2013 launched the website at the village fete. Website analytic tools show the continued increase in visits to the website from 40 in June 2013 to 400 by August 2014. The number of unique users has also grown from 25 in June 2013 to 325 in August 2014. The website is being searched by users living in America, Australia, Brazil and Sweden!
The website needs fresh content to enable it to be relevant and continue to grow. If you have something to promote, a question to ask, want to learn what is going on in the village or have a view to express you can do so by contacting one of our website authors or becoming one yourself. It is easy: initially you need to register, then write a post, add an event or add a page. This is not difficult as an author’s guide is available detailing in simple steps how to update the website – just Contact Us.
Remember this is your village and your website, let’s make the most of it! Register today and start adding content.