Prologis Park Ryton – Liaison Summary Report

Litter – A423 Oxford Road.

Cllr Rod Clarke (Ryton Parish Council) and Cllr Dale Keeling (Rugby Borough Council) contacted Ian Castledine our Prologis Liaison about the recent ‘litter pick’ they undertook in the vicinity of the A45 exit and the roundabout at the UK Mail site entrance. Consensus view is that litter is a longstanding issue on Oxford Road, and on A45. The roundabout seems to attract more than its fair share, possibly because passing drivers feel there is less chance of being observed, and vehicle speeds are lower. Lorries travelling to Bubbenhall tip, are also believed to be a major source of windblown litter en route.
Since the matter was first reported late last week, UK Mail have advised that they are arranging for at least two large waste bins to be located at their site entrance. These will provide an opportunity for tidy disposal of potential litter by persons entering and leaving site.
Appreciation expressed to UK Mail for their quick and positive contribution to maintaining the local environment.