Police Precept Consultation (closes 17th January)

The Police and Crime Commissioner has a statutory duty to consult the public each year, prior to setting the Police Precept element of the local Council Tax. 

We have launched an online survey outlining three options for funding Warwickshire Police in 2020/21, including a freeze on the precept, an increase of 4.99% or an increase of above 4.99%, the latter of which would allow for further investment in technology and infrastructure to support the increased numbers of police officers now in the county.  Clearly, any final option taken forward will need to reflect the final settlement from central government and be within any capping limits, once established.

The press release announcing the start of the consultation can be found at: https://www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/pcc-launches-annual-police-budget-consultation/  while survey itself is located at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/precept20-21. Parishes can also support by retweeting our messages from the @WarwickshirePCC account.

Our budget needs to be agreed with the Police and Crime Panel in early February, so timescales are necessarily tight in order to ensure that the public’s feedback can be incorporated into the decision making process. The online survey will therefore close at 4pm on Friday, January 17.