Parish Council Update

Progress with Village Projects
• The Village Hall car park was completely resurfaced in July and now looks very much smarter.
• The Pavilion refurbishment is continuing, the latest stages being rewiring the electrics and insulation and relining of the ceilings.
• Following a long and tortuous process we have at last received notification that we have been awarded a grant towards the renovation of the War Memorial. This work will now be progressed.
• Work has continued to clear Ryton Water Meadow at the bottom of Church Road. In September we plan to replace the access gates and fencing on the boundary with Redland Lane.
• Also in September we have arranged for a specialist contractor to carry out a full refurbishment of the play equipment on the Recreation Ground: climbing frame, zip wire and enclosed children’s play area. Apologies that this will mean the area is out of use for a few days but it should be a big improvement.

the village car park being re-surfaced.