Geoff and Ba Make it to Paris – Just!
In spite of the extreme temperatures, Geoff and Ba Marsh have been successful in their bid to cycle 317 miles on their tandem from London to Paris in four days. The ride is an annual event organised by Action Medical Research, to raise funds for the charity. Hundreds of riders take part, setting off from London and then following one of three routes to Paris. Ba and Geoff left Chessington early on the Wednesday morning travelling to Paris via Portsmouth, catching the overnight ferry to Caen, (so not a lot of sleep that night!) then along the Normandy beaches before heading inland to Lisieux. Friday’s cycle to Evreux was the toughest day with 90 miles to cover, made more challenging by a strong headwind. Extra water stops were built in to help the riders cope with the extreme heat – in places, the tarmac was melting and sticking to their tyres. Then, with just 64 miles left they set off for Paris on the Saturday.
“It was really gruelling, “said Geoff, “but all that was forgotten in the euphoria as our group of 100 cycles merged with the other two routes (300 more) around the Arc de Triomphe – and the whole cavalcade rode down the Champs Elysees etc to the Eiffel Tower – horns blasting and people cheering and waving – an extraordinary, unforgettable and emotional moment!”
“Mind you, we nearly didn’t make it!” said Ba. “Matilda, our tandem, had not faltered for 313 miles, but she lost a spoke on the last downhill into Paris, causing a rear wheel puncture! It took only about 15 minutes to fix but that meant we had to cycle ‘like a French taxi’ through Paris to catch up with the others who were literally heading off for the Arc de Triomphe as we arrived!”
Ba and Geoff said they were both very pleased to have made it, but were even more delighted when they discovered that their efforts had led to sponsorship of over £2500 being raised for Action Medical Research. They would like to thank everyone who has supported, sponsored and encouraged them in their venture.
It’s not too late to sponsor them if you would like to, at