Crazy Daisy 's Nightclub Update
Many residents will have noticed that finally the old Crazy Daisy’s nightclub site, which for many years had been a burnt down Chinese restaurant, has been cleared. Seven new houses will be placed on the site.
Crazy Daisies has long been a concern due to the dangers on the site, and prospects for anti-social behaviour. Clearly removing the eyesore is a victory for all local residents.
This has not been an easy victory. Policies to facilitate the renewal of the site were slow in coming forward. It required the initiation of a Rugby District Derelict Buildings Committee by myself and another councillor. The committee has facilitated closer working by bring together the Planning, Building control, Police, Fire, Environmental Health and community safety teams to find workable solutions.
The development of the nearby bob’s Café site, in 2014, heralded the beginning of the roadside improvement of the A45. My next project is to see resolution of the problematic Old Bull and Butcher pub site, on the junction of the Oxford Road and Freeboard Lane. I will keep the village updated on this matter.
Cllr. Howard Roberts
Dunsmore Ward
Telephone: 01788 519603

Cllr. Howard Roberts at the site, as it looks now.
I think it is great to finally have Crazy Daisies flatterned. However Cllr. Roberts, I think you should be honest & set the record straight regarding this matter as it wasn’t you or your fellow Cllr. who actually set up the Rugby District Derelict Buildings Committee. I think it’s a disgrace that you are passing off someone else’s ideas and hard work as your own to all your constituents to see & read about. You should give this person credit for setting up the committee & for all the hard work it has taken to get the paperwork in order & all the different teams sorted & working together to get Crazy Daisies down to the ground. There are other derelict buildings on the list that are in your constituency which are due to get bulldozed in the near future, which I truly hope you won’t be taking all the credit for them when the time comes. It would be a nice change if we had an honest Cllr.