Wroth Silver Ceremony 2015
This is said to be Britain’s longest running annual ceremony being recorded as ‘ongoing’ in 1086 and on this site since 1170.
The ceremony takes place at the stone, the base of an old wayside cross, on the mound at the top of Knightlow Hill every ‘Martinmas Eve before sun-rising’. That means on 11 November every year just at first light the Wroth Money is collected from the parishes of the Hundred of Knightlow (this includes Ryton and Bubbenhall) by the Agent to the Duke of Buccleuch. In practice that is about 6.45am but it varies with the first light of dawn. Anyone is welcome to attend. Many people will be regular attenders and will be bringing their children.
The actual collection from the 25 parishes only lasts about four and a half minutes so do not be late!
Many people will already have been to the local pub, The Queens Head in Bretford (CV23 0JY Tel. 02476 542671) for the traditional drink of rum and hot milk. The bar usually opens at 6.00 am
All will then return to The Queens Head for a breakfast and speeches. Please note that breakfast tickets need to be pre-booked directly with the Queens Head, (breakfast cost was £13 in 2014. Included in the price is a glass of rum and hot milk with which to toast the health of His Grace and a churchwarden pipe (tobacco supplied). People will be departing by about 8.45am. Further information on: http://www.wrothsilver.org.uk.