Fête Website Flyer Winner

Fête Flyer WinnerWe hope you all enjoyed the annual Church Fête and Football Competition yesterday. The weather was fantastic which helped to bring a great number of people out to support this annual fund raiser for our church St Leonard’s.
If you are interested in knowing more about why we need to raise funds for the church and what the money raised goes towards, then read through how our church is funded.
Many of you may have received a flyer similar to the one pictured here, promoting the fact that we have a Village Website and offering the chance to win a tub of chocolates. The purpose of this flyer was to raise awareness of the website’s existence as well as the fact we now also on both twitter (@rytonondunsmore) and facebook (facebook.com/rytonondunsmore).
Do you have the winning number? The winner is number 73. If you have a flyer with the number 73 on, then Contact Us (use category of Other) or phone Stuart Wells on 02476 306365 and we will arrange for you to receive your prize of a tub of chocolates.

How Can You Help the Website or the Website Help You

If you are involved in any village Clubs or Groups then make sure it is listed on our Clubs and Groups page and that the details are correct. If your Club or Group or meet on a regular basis then check you are mentioned in the Events calendar and that those details are correct. If you have any special events (like fund raisers or AGMs) or simply wish to promote the existance of your Club, Group or Activity then all you need to do is write us an article (it doesn’t have to be long, but it can be) and send it to us using Contact Us and we will publish it. Please include some images if at all possible.
Even better, if you feel you would like to contribute to the content of the website on a more regular basis then we can train you and help you become one of our website Authors. You can take a look at the current Author’s Guide to get an idea of what might be involved in becoming an author.
If you feel something is missing from the website then let us know. If you know about something that should be on the website then let us know…content only gets onto the website if you tell us about it.
We hope you find the website useful and thank you all for your continued support.