Your Church Needs You! Can You Help?

Fete BuntingThe small team of people involved in bringing the fête and football event on to the Recreation ground each year is getting smaller and needs support and energy.
Fête 2014 MontageThe Fête & Football is a great social event and, in the way that it brings much of the village together, its value is enormous.  However, its importance financially cannot be understated.  For some years now it has made up a significant part of the church’s income and, unless we can maintain this income, and even increase it, St Leonard’s may fail to pay its way this year. We need heads to help plan, we need shoulders to share the responsibilities and we need bodies and hands to help on the day.
Please let the Rector, David Wintle, know on 02476 301283 if you are willing to support the church in one or all of these ways, and if you can, do please let me. Read more about St Leonard’s church is funding…