The Way We Were: Ryton 1914

Heritage Open DaysRyton-on-Dunsmore History Group and St Leonard’s Church, Ryton-on-Dunsmore present “The Way We Were: Ryton 1914”, a Heritage Open Day exhibition plus a number of additional exhibits and events over a 3 day period (Friday 12th September to Sunday 14th September), including a re-enactment of the historic Christmas Day truce football match, a sing along “Pack Up Your Troubles…” – songs from the 1914-18 war – and daily refreshments (lunch availble too) in the church centre.
The main exhibition takes place in St Leonard’s Church and will be exploring and commemorating the changes that took place in this village 100 years ago. The exhibition runs for 3 days, 12th, 13th & 14th September 2014, with the church and exhibition open as follows:

  • Friday 11am – 5pm
  • Saturday 10am – 5pm
  • Sunday 11am – 4.30pm

Provost Williams LogoThe exhibition includes exhibits by Provost Williams C of E Primary School, with each year group exhibiting work created from their studies into what life was like for families in Ryton in 1914.
Rytons FallenIn the church you will find the flower festival – an exhibition of flowers to honour those who went to fight in the Great War. Each arrangement will be dedicated to one of Ryton’s fallen.
On the field next to St Leonard’s there will be an exhibition of farming in 1914. Come and meet the animals, see the tools and machinery and explore how farming was done.
Farming 1914There were 14 farms in and around Ryton in 1914. Although some cows were kept for milking, most farmers grew crops.
Also in the church centre there will be an exhibition on food rationing in World War One with examples or army rations from 1914 – 1918. Come along and try some World War One recipes!
If you don’t like the look of the rations, refreshments will be available each of the three days in the church centre serving morning and afternoon tea and coffee with cakes and snacks plus lunch is available between 12 noon and 2:30pm too.
Christmas Day Truce FootballIf you need some fresh air and/or exercise then come along and watch or join in the re-enactment of the historic Christmas Day truce game of football, on Saturday 13th September at 3pm on the Recreation Ground. See the event detail for more information about the workings of this event and how to join in.
If that’s not enough to keep you going then come along to our evening sing-along “Pack Up Your Troubles” – songs from the 1914-18 war – on Saturday 13th September at 7pm in St Leonard’s Church (charge applies, see event for more details).
The church itself is holding a special evensong service on Sunday 14th September at 4:30pm, as it was in 1914. St Leonard’s is part of a group of three churches and together with St John the Baptist, Bagington and St Giles, Bubbenhall, make up our United Benefice.
If you would like to take part in any of the events over the three day or you would like more information then please contact Steve Garrett (02476 639228,