A couple of notices about St. Leonard’s Churchyard
Firstly, the churchyard tidy up team is desperate for willing hands to help maintain the beautiful space that surrounds your beautiful church. They meet on the first and third Saturday mornings of each month. If you can spare an hour or two then please be in touch with the Rector or just turn up and introduce yourself to the other volunteers. They break around 11 am and go into the church centre for a hot drink and snacks.
The other thing that needs to be said is that there are a growing number of graves with extra (unauthorized) items or ornaments and so we have been looking in detail at the Churchyard Regulations of Coventry Diocese, which the Parochial Church Council (PCC) is legally obliged to follow.
There are more details on the church notice boards, but the nub of the matter is that many of the stone, concrete, metal, plaster and plastic vases and flower holders, as well as model people, animals or toys, windmills or jangling trinkets designed to make a noise when the wind blows are not allowed by the regulations. In
addition artificial flowers are not allowed except for Remembrance Day poppies and traditional Christmas wreaths and these should be removed after two of months.
The church is encouraged by the Diocesan authorities to look after the churchyard and to remove unsightly flowers from any grave, as well as other objects and items that fall outside what can be
allowed. We hope that you will co-operate with us in trying to keep our churchyard a tidy and peaceful place and if you seek guidance regarding the graves you tend, please speak to the Rector, or Churchwardens.