Heritage Weekend – Ryton-on-Dunsmore

Can you see yourself?
A small collection of photos from today’s fun activities here in the village #heritageweekend #rytonondunsmore

Photos from Provost Williams Primary. Follow them on Twitter @provostwilliams

More photos from Provost Williams Primary School.

St. Leonard’s Church decorated by Provost Williams Children.
Ryton History Group talk to children about the era.

Vote For Provost Williams On Free Radio

Provost Williams Merry Christmas EveryoneOur village school, Provost Williams C of E Primary School, will be on the radio (Free Radio) tomorrow, Tuesday 18th November, competing against Gosford Park Primary School in a Christmas Song sing off. The winners each day will go through to the next round and be a step further towards being crowned champions.
Please find the time to vote – you must do this tomorrow (Tuesday 18th November). You don’t have to listen to the song to compete, but of course you might like to:

Come on Provost Williams, we know you can do it.

Update: Provost William Win Their Heat

On Tuesday, Provost Williams went head-to-head with Gosford Park, a considerably larger school, and managed to win the heat, taking 59% of the vote. Well done everyone.
But that isn’t the end of the competition. We have to do it all over again next week. The 5 winning schools for the Coventry area will all compete against each other again next week, so we need you to vote again. Voting will be open from Monday morning through to Friday with the top 3 schools going through the the grand final, when they compete live against the winning schools from the other 3 free radio areas (12 schools in total).
So, please vote again next week and let’s see If we make it through to the grand final!

Another Win

Provost Williams win again and are through to a live sing off in front of an ‘X Factor’ style judging panel in Broadgate, Coventry at 1pm on Saturday 6th December.
If you are in Coventry on Saturday 6th December come along and cheer our Primary School choir along in a bid to win the final. The loudest cheer is likely to sway the judges so scream as loud as you can.

Parish Councillors Visit Provost Williams School

Cllrs Marsh and Spiers were invited to attend the celebration assembly today (Friday 18th) to thank pupils for creating such wonderful litter posters and announce the results of the competition.
Both Cllrs enjoyed the assembly and were impressed by the positive attitude of pupils and staff. Many Thanks.
Read more about the competition and winning posters.

Anti Litter Posters

The wonderful pupils at Provost Williams have created anti litter Posters for the Parish Council to laminate and put up in prominent places in the Village. Eight have been selected by the Parish Council to be made into signs for mounting on the lamp posts, the rest will be displayed on the notice boards over the coming months.
Here are the winning posters, is yours one of the winners? Keep a look out around the village and see if you can spot all 8 – maybe leave a comment to say where you saw it?
[mla_gallery size=”medium” link=”file” ids=”957,958,959,960,961,962,963,964″ orderby=”caption asc”]
The Parish Council chairman wishes to thank the pupils and staff for the wonderful effort in trying to keep the village free from litter.