Annual Parish Meeting 2019
/in Clubs & Groups, Events, News, Parish Council /by PC ClerkVillage Annual Meeting (not the Annual meeting of the Parish Council)
24th April 2019 From 7.30pm in the Village Hall
The meeting is open to all residents of the Parish.
There will be a report from the Parish Council and other organisations from the village. Members of the Village are encouraged to come along and ask questions.
Coal Yard Development Open Event
/in Events, News, Parish Council /by PC ClerkDeeley construction are holding an open event at the Village Hall on Monday 18th March from 4pm till 6.45pm. The aim of the event is to provide you with information and allow you to raise any queries with the team.
Wroth Silver Ceremony 2018
/in Events /by PC ClerkSaturday November 10th on Knightlow Hill at 6.30 a.m: Wroth Silver Ceremony.
Breakfast afterwards at the Queen’s Head, Bretford.
This is said to be Britain’s longest running annual ceremony being recorded as ‘ongoing’ in 1086 and on this site since 1170. The ceremony takes place at the stone, the base of an old wayside cross, on the mound at the top of Knightlow Hill every ‘Martinmas Eve before sun-rising’. That means on 11 November every year just at first light the Wroth Money is collected from the parishes of the Hundred of Knightlow (this includes Ryton and Bubbenhall) by the Agent to the Duke of Buccleuch. In practice that is about 6.45am but it varies with the first light of dawn.
Anyone is welcome to attend. Many people will be regular attenders and will be bringing their children.
The actual collection from the 25 parishes only lasts about four and a half minutes so do not be late! Many people will already have been to the local pub, The Queens Head in Bretford (CV23 0JY Tel. 024 76542671 for the traditional drink of rum and hot milk. The bar usually opens at 6.00 am All will then return to The Queens Head for a breakfast and speeches. Please note that breakfast tickets need to be pre-booked directly with the Queens Head, (breakfast cost was £13 in 2014. Included in the price is a glass of rum and hot milk with which to toast the health of His Grace and a churchwarden pipe (tobacco supplied). People will be departing by about 8.45am. Further information online at

Wroth Silver 1950, Mr T J Kennard paying the dues for Harbury
Remembrance Day Service
/in Church, Events, Parish Council /by PC ClerkThe Service is on Sunday 11th November and will begin at 10.10am in St Leonards Church.
Following the service after a short walk through the subway the act of Remembrance will take place at the War Memorial beginning at 10.55am.
Action Medical Research Quiz Evening
/in Events /by PC ClerkDate of Quiz Evening in the Village Hall has been changed to 27th October. 7pm for 7-30pm start.
Tickets £6. Bring your own drinks.
Details from Sylvia Dixon, 02476301417.
World War One Centenary Benches Unveiled
/in Events, News /by PC ClerkDunsmore Councillor Howard Roberts has unveiled World War One Centenary benches in honour of those residents from Ryton-on-Dunsmore who died during the Great War.
In front of many of the villagers he said, “It is a great honour to speak as we unveil this bench in honour of the 18 men from Ryton who lost their lives fighting for our country in the Great War.”
“As a schoolboy, like many before and since, I studied a poem by Rupert Brooke called ‘The Soldier’. Brooke a former Rugby school pupil begins his piece with the iconic lines; If I should die, think only of this of me, that there’s some corner of a foreign field that is forever England.”
“The poem has been criticised for romancing the horrors of war, but I want to dwell on some sentiments of Brooke. The overriding thrusts of his words are pride in England and where he comes from.” He talks fondly of England, but most movingly of dreams, friends, laughter and gentleness.”
“The men from Ryton who went off to ward would have been scared, unsure of what to expect, but they will have seen in the Ryton community something wroth fighting for. They left family, jobs and friends to preserve the society in which they grew up.”
“Those of us left cannot emulate their courage or bravery, but we can show that their memories are still integral to the community Ryton is today. We do this by honouring their legacy. The presence of us here today shows that our community doesn’t forget sacrifice made in our name, even after a century.”
As Brooke said, “Where these men perished a part of a foreign land has its dust made richer. Here today this bench symbolises that there will always be thankful memories of their bravery in this village they called home, we are richer in spirit for their sacrifice.”

Cllr. Roberts unveils the bench after his speech.
The bench unveiling closes three days of family activities in Ryton-on-Dunsmore celebrating #heritageweekend

The Reverend David Wintle and Cllr. Roberts let loose white doves.
Residents then went on to St. Leonard’s for a special service.
WW1 Centenary Benches
/in Events /by PC ClerkJust a quick reminder that there will be a special unveiling of the World War One Centenary benches for the village this afternoon.
This will take place next to the War Memorial after the march down the High Street which will commence around 4.30pm.
A release of white doves will take place after the event to commemorate those who lost their lives in the Great War.
The Re-Enactor's Come to Ryton-On-Dunsmore
/in Church, Events /by PC ClerkThe free family fun continues this weekend in Ryton on Dunsmore. The re-enactors help us to meet a World War one cavalryman as they prepare for battle. Learn some of the skill needed for fighting on horseback!
The Warwickshire Regiment 1914-1918 Living History Group portray a regular infantry soldier.
The fun is still continuing today on the field next to the church.
1.30pm The Horses Tale
2.30pm Talk – Gas, Gas, Gas, Gas, Wind & Wee with the Sargent Major
3.30pm The Great War Cavalryman
Flower festival is on until 5pm at the church.
Keep the Home Fires Burning – Community Sing along at 7pm at the Village Hall.

Top: Steve Garret (Ryton History Group) Bottom left: Re-enactor talking through the workings of a Vickers machine gun. Bottom right: WW1 Rytonian soldier Charles Butler

Paper windmills from Provost Williams Children and one of the lovely flower displays at St. Leonard’s.

Great War Cavalryman – the re-enactors come to Ryton!
Heritage Weekend – Ryton-on-Dunsmore
/in Church, Events, School /by PC ClerkCan you see yourself?
A small collection of photos from today’s fun activities here in the village #heritageweekend #rytonondunsmore

Photos from Provost Williams Primary. Follow them on Twitter @provostwilliams

More photos from Provost Williams Primary School.

St. Leonard’s Church decorated by Provost Williams Children.
Ryton History Group talk to children about the era.